Title: distracting Artist: _afterism Rating: R Pairing: Gwen/Morgana Warnings: NSFW! Notes: Drawn for Porn Battle XIII, for the prompts dress and undressed.
Title: breathe in silence Artist: _afterism Pairing: Morgana/Morgause Warnings: Incest & nudity. Other very NSFW images in the same post. Notes: Drawn for Porn Battle X for the prompt 'touched'.
Title: Come Play, My Lord~ Artist: _afterism Warnings: Cross-dressing Characters/pairings: Merlin, implied Arthur/Merlin Notes: Arthur's POV, because he was totally thinking this. Very, very tiny spoiler for the latest episode.
Title: For Albion! Artist: _afterism Warnings: Bad humour? Characters: Arthur Pendragon, Arthur Kirkland Notes: Crossover with Axis Powers Hetalia, or, Arthur meets his country.